Oh my goodness, where do I start?
Welcome to Life According to Blythe. I am very excited you’re here. In search of a creative outlet for myself, I decided to start a blog to document and journal bits and pieces of my life, and to share the fun things I find and experience with others.
A little bit about me - I’m 26 and a born and raised Houstonian. I am married to the love of my life, Matt, and we have a really cute lab-mix doggy named Sansa. I grew up figure skating and still skate today. The ice rink will always be home. I attended an all girls high school and I am an only child. I love reading and fashion and food, and a really good glass of pinot noir. I prefer TV shows to movies and I always want dessert. The beach is my happy place, but Paris holds a very special place in my heart. I am a hopeless romantic and like to choose to see the good in the world, even when it’s been hard to lately. I am extremely girly, my favorite color is pink, and I love fresh flowers year round. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I start decorating November 1st. I love all things comfy and cozy and my husband would say I have a pajama obsession (collection!). Pepperoni and black olives is my go to pizza order and you'll have hard time convincing me there is any other kind of pizza. I need at least two cups of coffee in the morning to function, and my favorite fancy coffee is an almond latte. I am a Cancer, bordering on the cusp of a Gemini, and I lean hard into both of those. My birthday is the longest day of the year and cake for breakfast is an absolute must.

I hope that gave you a quick snapshot of me and what you can expect to find on Life According Blythe. This is my first time to do something like this, and while I am little nervous, I hope you all will enjoy my thoughts, my adventures, and my life as a millennial just trying to figure the world out.